/ VR Video
太初 3030
Taì Chū 3030
(Taì Chū :In the Beginning)
In the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
太初 3030
Taì Chū 3030
(Taì Chū :In the Beginning)
In the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
By 3030, your virtual avatar has been upgraded to the first class of the “WE++” project which was initiated by SN Company. They hired digital archaeologists to access the wandering digital souls from the history of the database, repaired and upgraded them to become citizens of the new world. Congratulations! Here is the guide to the Eternal Life Survival. It includes entertainment, faith, healthy, social networks, and so on.
Of course, there are no two identical stones in the world, nor two identical people, they just live for you. The city is operating, again and again, artificial intelligence and human beings live in harmony. The new faith has emerged.(The faith is developed again.) In the world full of the truth and nothingness. Do you feel lonely? oh, that’s the ultimate romance here.